How to Remove Mountain Bike Pedals – A Few Easy Steps

How to Remove Mountain Bike Pedals


Removing the pedals from a mountain bike is a simple task that can be done with a few basic tools. Whether you need to replace your pedals or just want to clean your bike, removing the pedals is a crucial step. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps of removing mountain bike pedals using a pedal wrench, a hex key or an Allen wrench, and some grease. By following these steps, you can easily remove your pedals without damaging your bike’s crank arm or the pedals themselves.


How to Remove Mountain Bike Pedals – A Few Easy Steps

To remove mountain bike pedals, you will need a few tools such as a pedal wrench, a hex key or an Allen wrench, and some grease. Follow these steps:


Start by placing your bike on a stable surface, and then use a pedal wrench to loosen the pedal from the crank arm. Remember that the left pedal has a reverse thread, so you need to turn it clockwise to loosen it. Once the pedal is loose, you can remove it by unscrewing it by hand or using the wrench. Be careful not to drop the remove mountain bike pedals or damage the threads on the crank arm.


To remove the other bike pedal, repeat the same steps on the opposite side of the bike. Remember that the right pedal has a regular thread, so you need to turn it counterclockwise to loosen it. If the pedals are difficult to remove mountain bike pedals, you can apply some grease or lubricant to the threads before attempting to remove them. This will help to loosen them and prevent them from seizing. After you have removed the pedals, inspect the threads on the crank arm and the pedals for any damage or wear. If there are any issues, you may need to replace the pedals or the crank arm.


Mountain Biking Multi-Tool

How to Remove Mountain Bike Pedals

A mountain biking multi-tool is a compact and versatile tool that is specifically designed for use while out on the trail. It typically includes a variety of different tools and functions that can be used to make repairs and adjustments to your remove mountain bike pedals while you’re riding. Some of the most common tools found on a mountain biking multi-tool include:


Hex wrenches: These are used to adjust the bolts and screws on your bike, such as the ones that hold your handlebars in place.


Screwdrivers: These are used to adjust the screws on your bike, such as the ones that hold your brake pads in place.


Chain tool: This is used to repair or replace a broken chain while you’re on the trail.


Tire lever: This is used to help remove a tire from the rim when changing a flat.


Spoke wrench: This is used to adjust the tension of the spokes on your wheels.


Bottle opener: This is a handy tool for cracking open a cold drink after a long ride.


When choosing a mountain biking multi-tool, it’s important to consider the specific tools and functions that you’ll need while out on the trail. Look for a tool that is compact and lightweight enough to carry with you, but also durable enough to withstand the rigors of remove mountain bike pedals.


Types of Mountain Bike Pedals

Flat Pedals or Platform Pedals


Flat pedals and platform pedals are often used interchangeably to refer to bike pedals that do not have any form of clip or attachment mechanism to keep your foot in place. Instead, your foot rests on a flat or slightly concave surface, providing a large contact area for your foot and allowing you to adjust your foot position as needed while riding.


Flat pedals typically refer to simpler pedals with a flatter profile, while platform pedals may include additional features like pins or concave shaping to provide more grip and support for your foot.Both types of pedals are commonly used for mountain biking, BMX, and other types of off-road cycling, as they provide good grip and control in technical terrain and allow riders to quickly and easily remove their foot from the remove mountain bike pedals if needed.


When choosing between flat pedals and platform pedals, consider your personal riding style and preferences. Flat pedals are often preferred by riders who prioritize a minimalist design and maximum freedom of movement, while platform remove mountain bike pedals are preferred by riders who want more grip and support for their foot. Ultimately, the choice between the two comes down to personal preference, so it’s a good idea to try out both types of remove mountain bike pedals to see which feels most comfortable and secure for you.


Benefits of flat pedals


Flat pedals, also known as platform pedals, are a type of bicycle pedal that feature a flat surface that the rider’s foot rests on. Here are some benefits of using flat pedals:


Easy to Use: Flat pedals are the most basic and easy-to-use remove mountain bike pedals, which makes them perfect for beginner riders. You can wear any type of shoe and there’s no need to clip in or out, making them a great choice for casual or city cycling.


Freedom of Movement: With flat pedals, your foot is free to move around the pedal, allowing you to easily adjust your position or foot placement. This can be beneficial for technical terrain, as well as for jumping and tricks.


Better Balance: Flat pedals provide a larger surface area for your foot, which can increase your stability and balance while riding. This is especially important for downhill and mountain biking, where you may need to quickly adjust your foot position to maintain control.


Low Maintenance: Flat pedals are simple and require minimal maintenance. They don’t have any moving parts that need to be maintained or replaced, making them an economical and practical choice.


Versatility: Flat pedals can be used on any type of bike, from road to mountain to BMX, making them a versatile choice for riders who have multiple bikes or enjoy different types of riding.Flat pedals can provide a comfortable, easy-to-use, and versatile riding experience, especially for beginners and riders who prioritize freedom of movement and low maintenance.


Everything you need to do to keep your bike safe


Position your bike securely: First, place your remove mountain bike pedals on a stable surface, like a bike stand or a level floor. Make sure that the bike is balanced and won’t tip over while you’re working on it.


Loosen the pedals: Use a pedal wrench or a hex key to loosen the pedals from the crank arm. Remember that the left pedal has reverse threads, so you need to turn it clockwise to loosen it, while the right pedal has regular threads, so you need to turn it counterclockwise to loosen it.


Remove the pedals: Once the pedals are loose, you can remove them by unscrewing them by hand or using the wrench. Be careful not to drop the pedals or damage the threads on the crank arm.




1. What tools do I need to remove my mountain bike pedals?

You will typically need either a pedal wrench or a hex key (depending on the type of pedals you have). You may also need a crescent wrench or pliers to help with removing stubborn pedals.


2. How do I determine which direction to turn the pedals to remove them?

The right pedal (drive side) is removed by turning it counterclockwise, while the left pedal (non-drive side) is removed by turning it clockwise. Remember the saying “righty-tighty, lefty-loosey” to help you remember which way to turn.


3. How tight should I tighten my pedals when I reinstall them?

Pedals should be tightened to a torque of approximately 35-40 Nm. Over-tightening can damage the pedals or crank arms, while under-tightening can lead to the pedals coming loose while riding.


4. What should I do if I encounter resistance when removing my pedals?

If the pedals are difficult to remove mountain bike pedals, try using a pedal wrench or hex key with a longer handle for more leverage. You may also need to apply some lubricant or penetrating oil to loosen the threads. If you are still having trouble, it may be best to seek the assistance of a professional remove mountain bike pedals mechanic.


5. Can I use the same technique to remove pedals from a road bike?

Yes, the process for removing pedals from a road bike is the same as for a remove mountain bike pedals. However, you may need a different size of pedal wrench or hex key, depending on the specific pedals on your road bike.



Removing pedals from a mountain bike can be a simple process with the right tools and techniques. It’s important to use the appropriate tools, such as a pedal wrench or hex key, and to make sure you’re turning the pedals in the correct direction. Remember to always use caution and follow proper safety procedures when working on your bike. If you encounter any difficulties or are unsure of how to proceed, it may be best to seek the assistance of a professional remove mountain bike pedals mechanic.


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I have been working in the mountain biking and Exercise Bike industry for the last few years. I love to share my experiences with people & I hope you are enjoying my Biking Niche information lessons!

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