Cycling’s silent epidemic

Cycling's silent epidemic

Cycling is mainly known for a number of its benefits which covers from a wide range of physical fitness and environmental sustainability to mental well-being. However, beneath the surface of this apparently an issue has grown up with time which is frequently mentioned as  – Cycling’s silent epidemic

Professional cyclists are possibly familiar with this concept but people who are new in the world of cycling might not have any idea about it . As cycling is often discussed for its numerous  advantages  that’s why this bad side most probably gets out of sight. But just like the many benefits of cycling,  the cycling’s silent epidemic  is also a very  important topic to discuss.


Hence we have chosen this topic for today’s blog and we will try to cover its definition along with top to bottom every sub context related to . So we request to be with us until the finishing – 


The definition of Cycling’s silent epidemic :

The phrase Cycling’s silent epidemic basically refers to the physical issues within the cycling community that they face for choosing this sport as a professional one.  Let us elaborate it for understanding easily –


Cycling is a kind of recreational sport that is led by physical strength. It needs a lot of physical power . If someone has chosen it for a regular fitness task to maintain good health then it will be proven very good.  But choosing it to a professional level can not always be a wise decision. Because professional cycling requires a lot of practice sessions for cyclists. And in these practice sessions the cyclists burn out a lot of physical or muscle power. As a consequence they face swelling and pain in muscle . With time a number of cyclists get used to it but the opposite also happens. Like , there are many cyclists who cannot get used to this and after a while they stopped cycling and have drawn the end of their cycling career. Also some go through with this problem from time to time to maintain their career. Sometimes these muscle swelling and pain levels  grow so much that they have to take medical help and surgery (occasionally if needed) from doctors. These  types of  serious issues are called Cycling’s silent epidemic.


Now it’s enough with the definition, let’s talk about some real incidents related to this topic that some of the famous cyclists had faced during their career. Here including some summary of popular surveys on overall men cyclists  and some real incidents of cycling’s silent epidemic that women cyclists faced – 


Some summary of popular surveys – 


Back in February 15, 2021 Harvard Medical School published an article in their website Harvard Health Publishing titled “Can cycling cause erectile dysfunction?”.Here they mentioned that – according to a Harvard Special Health Report – Bike riding can damage nerves and compress arteries in the penis, which may lead to erectile problems , especially to those men who cycled more than three hours in seven days. 


Also in this article , they described that Erectile Dysfunction, in short ED , may be caused because of the continued pressure on the genitals and anus . 


Moreover an article from Healthline testify that over several decades researchers have revealed based on their survey that the pudendal artery and the pudendal nerve ( main nerve of the perineum) can be damaged due to cycling.


Earlier in the year 1997 , Bicycling – known as a popular magazine , had published some info that was connected with cycling and ED. 


Based on this info this problem has made place in the zone of cycling’s silent epidemic.


Real incidents of cycling’s silent epidemic that women cyclists faced –


Alison Tetrick –

Alison Tetrick is an american cyclist , probably got fame as a cyclist at the age of 23 by winning her first race in 2008. Her journey from the beginning was not so easy , She had faced extreme discomfort at first due to narrow and rigid saddles . But because of an ambitious mind of getting success she chose the pain. Back then she was facing knee pain, and other chronic pain and inflammation issues. Her patience had broken in 2015 and she decided to take medical surgery to fix the issue. After that she told her story to a female worker of Specialized from which the famous Mimic project of them had taken place successfully.


Hannah Knapp –

Hannah Knapp started her career at the age twenty-nine but from the very start she has faced saddle pain. When she discussed it with senior cyclists they informed her that that’s quite normal. But after a while her problem was not solved, rather raised. Then coincidently she knew from her boyfriend , her saddle seems to be narrower for her sit bones. Though she changed it, the harm was already done as she found out about a lump on the left of her groin . In spite of treating it on time she could not deny her sufferings that she faced for cycling.


To sum up the whole,  Cycling’s silent epidemic is a serious issue that anyone should give a thought while making his or her decision to be a cyclist . Because men and women both have to face pain which can even lead to a medical surgery. Men might get faced with ED ( Erectile Dysfunction) and women might face the saddle discomfort and labial problem which can lead her to  labial surgery. So we suggest that you think about these before choosing cycling.

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I have been working in the mountain biking and Exercise Bike industry for the last few years. I love to share my experiences with people & I hope you are enjoying my Biking Niche information lessons!

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